Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Confection Perfection

Question #16:

How are those festive, multicolored candy sprinkles made? I know it's sugar, but how do they get the coating to be so perfectly round on each tiny morsel?

Monday, November 22, 2010

Traveling Townies

Question #15:

Who uses municipal airports for travel? Local businesses? Local politicians? Can an everyday person fly through them? What kind of airlines go there?

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Bye-Bye Bulbie

Question #14:

When your energy-efficient bulbs die out, what's the best thing to do with them?

Friday, April 30, 2010

Napolean Complex

Question #13:

Why do small birds chase big ones? I don't mean in a protective way either, like bluejays fiercely defending their young. Earlier I watched as a couple of small, nondescript black birds were flying around behind a hawk that was circling and meandering around up in the air. I find this kind of bizarre.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Phone Phail

Question #12:

Does this ever happen to you? You call someone, you listen to the phone ring like ten times on the other end, then your friend picks up and assures you the phone only rang like three times for them. What's up with that?

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Manicure Madness

Question #11:

So, I know I've heard horror stories about people and their nails - whether they be manicured professionally, self-painted, or decorated with glued-on fake nails. This hasn't stopped me from painting my own nails.. but what is the leading cause of nail problems due to beautification?

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Tea Technicalities

Question #10:

Cant tea just pretty much be any dried leafy plant?

I know of herbs, leaves, flowers, fruits, and spices that provide the makeup for what I know to be called "tea." But seriously, can tea just be anything in a baggie steeped in hot water? What is tea?

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Dairy Dreaming

Question #9:

How do they make powdered milk? And who are they anyway?

This was a question that came up at lunch the other day when we were talking about the shelf life of non-dairy creamers versus that of powdered milk or similar such creamers.